B2B FMCG Online Retailing for Businesses
Enhancing the retailer experience by reducing obstacles between retailers and the distributor
FMCG B2B E-commerce Responsive App Launcned in 5+ Countries
Retailers face various challenges including complex ordering processes, limited access to product information, and difficulties in leveraging promotional benefits. These obstacles hinder the efficiency of retailers' operations and their ability to maximize profits.
EASYMART aims to create a responsive B2B e-commerce app to streamline retailer-distributor interactions. It simplifies ordering, provides detailed product info, and offers easy access to promotions. Generative AI will enhance user experience with intelligent, personalized assistance for ordering and inventory management.
My Role
What I was Responsible for?
My role on the project is User Experience Designer. I gather requirements from BAs and clients and convert them into a working prototype
User research
Visual Design
Usabilit Testing
Interaction Design
Collaboration with BA's/Developer
How might we simplify the ordering process, enhance product accessibility for retailers, and boost the percentage of retailers placing orders independently
Currently retailer by order from App
Currently retailer order through salesperson
Currently retailer place order through App and salesperson
User Research
We engaged with RETAILERS & SALESPERSON (60+) from All regions to comprehend their requirements and ordering behavior.
To delve deeper, we conducted workshops with stakeholders.
We generated ideas targeting users aged 20 to 50, and during our research, we focused on addressing their needs
Field research conducted by lead designer and BAs serves both experiential and business purposes
Login & Register Issue Takes Time
The registration process involves multiple steps and requires a significant amount of information, making it time-consuming
They spend most of their time on the homepage or product page and expect most features to be available on the homepage.
Users found that searching takes too long to complete their tasks. They want a quick search feature where they can easily see products.
Place order
They are finding it difficult to place orders, select the best products at the best prices,They struggle to identify which products have which promotions and offers
Following our research, we conducted workshops to analyze user data and define key user personas for the app. These personas were developed to represent the different types of users, their goals, behaviors, and challenges. Using these personas as a guide, we then moved forward with the design process, ensuring that the screens we created catered to their specific needs and preferences
Customer Journey
Based on our research, the Customer Journey maps the user’s path from guest access to order completion, highlighting key touchpoints and pain points. Insights revealed opportunities to improve search speed, simplify registration, and enhance promotion visibility during product exploration
Information Architecture
Following our research, we held workshops and devised the information architecture for the app, then proceeded to design screens
Service blueprint
Following our research, we conducted workshops and developed a service blueprint to streamline processes, identify key touchpoints, and enhance the overall user experience
Usabilty testing
An independent usability audit was conducted to quickly identify gaps and make corrections, aiming to deliver a best-in-class experience across the market
Optimizing the number of Steps
Reduce Redundancy
Reduce cognitive load
Reduce memory & motor load
During usabilty testing several issues were identified that negatively impacted the user experience across key areas of the platform
We collaborated closely with other teams to achieve better results, holding a workshop to define the problem in a more comprehensive way.
Post usability testing, we identified key scenarios impacting user experience and took steps to enhance it. We focused on improving design system, screens, considering both retailer and salesman perspectives for a more seamless and efficient interaction
Updated as per research insights with personalized recommendations, bestsellers, and AI chatbot integration
Displayed best price, applicable coupons, and promotions directly on the product page and showing saving after applying coupon for particular product.
Clear product cards with strike-through pricing and tags like "New" or "Bestseller
Enabled coupon application and multi-delete option for faster actions, enhancing user experience.
Added suggested items and a quick cart icon to move users directly to PDP, improving task efficiency
Designed a "Happy Page" to confirm order placement with key information displayed upfront.
Integrated AI enhances both retailer and salesman experiences by offering relevant suggestions based on buying behavior in a conversational way. For retailers, it simplifies purchases with mini clicks; for salesmen, it helps track performance and improve efficiency.